Buddy Duke

Soul Funk'n Blues

Simple and Down to Earth are the sounds of Buddy Duke .

The name "Buddy Duke," was created from his grandfather Jack calling him, "his buddy" and his best mate, a black Labrador Retriever, named "Duke." This is how he honors them both.

Using a loop pedal, he  creates live, not prerecorded, "simple" layers of groovy loops. His objective is to send folks into a subtle trance of tranquility and peace.

"I want kids/adults to not look in awe of my songwriting (loops), but as a springboard to understand that anyone can create music and that it is very liberating to share your soul with the world." - Buddy Duke

He moved to Philly, in 2016, to pursue music from Stratford, NJ, and played the bar scene. 

In 2019, he moved to Arizona to continue the pursuit of a touring musician.

He has released EPS, live albums, and demo albums and plan on releasing more this year.




Awards / nominations

Winner of Battle of The Bands Jr.,Sr. year of High School.

Downloadable files

Add files for easy download here. This could include a PDF of your EPK, hi-res images, versions of your bio, and sample music.

Promo Fur Coat Fur Coat Funky Photo 95.7 KB
Budd Duke Promo Shot On Stage Black and White Photo Acoustic Guitar 3.85 MB
Aim Me GarageBand Demo 5.48 MB
Bio Two styles 148 KB

Press photos

